Monday, March 12, 2007


So, now I'm back home again, after spending 11 days with my Boyfriend in Bergen. We had a really good time. We went shopping, watched movies, met his friends, and many other things. But the best was to draw with him, cuddle, laugh, play a car game on the computer.

Probably the best 11 days ever.

I did a drawing of an old woman from the bus.
I did a drawing of a fat person.
and I did lots of other drawings too.

Red lipstick. Glasses.
Big t-shirts. I always adopt all his clothes, and I wear them. They are big, and good and nice. Fantastic.
Red pants.
It was hard to get on the plain back to Alta.
I didn't really miss the snow, or people home. I missed my mom and my home a little.
But else I didn't miss my life that much.
In Bergen there was Spring rain. Warm rain.
Warm rain all over. Kissing in the park.
Today I've been drawing, listening to Sigur Rós, slept on the couch.
Woke up.
Not a special good day.
But I'm still happy, because I had such a good time and many memories.

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