Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I wish I hope
and I may pray

Sometimes i want to flush my brains down the toilet.

treat her right. treat her nice.

Sometimes when I walk, I feel like im in a movie, or I wish that I had a video camera in my hand, cause i want to have this picture on tape and use it for something. Though, I have no idea what to use it for. and i walk around thinking of this: well, i dont know now, but later i might find a place to use the film clip. But then again, what if that idea never showes up and i never get to use it. Then I will just walk around with a tape, with a record that i dont really need. But what does that matter? cause there is loads of other tapes that i can use, and if i dont want it , i can just tape over it.
Wish i could do that to thinks i dont want to remember, or overfladish knowledge.
thoguh, im not sure if it excist anything such as overfladish knowledge.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Don't know.

The feeling of being confused.
In the dictionary it says that ''to be confused'' is to not have the ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and personal identity. Actually I can do that perfectly. I'm just lost in a big mystery where space and time does not excist right now. Only this cold creepy feeling that makes me want to cry.
I can lay awake at night. all night. Just wondering and thinking of what my heart tryies to tell me.
Just to end this horrible feeling of being squeezed like a grape. But it doesn't help, so sometimes i just turn on Sigúr Rós, and fall asleep with all the electronical magic. fantastic.

But if the definisjon of confused in the dictionary is correct, then I'm not confused. becuase i have the ability to place myeself correctly in the world by time, location, and personal identity.
My name is Oda, the time is now 14.45 pm, I'm at Ungsommens Hus in Alta, im 16 years old, I have a boyfriend, I live home, I go to school, I have hobbies, and I am confused.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


hei hei hei!
gjett hvem som kom med på UKM! Jo, du, hvis noen leser, så er det hun som sitter her og skriver nå! Oda, det er hva jeg heter og jeg kom videre med en teatergruppe med stykket
 ''Lets talk about sex''. Så kom jeg videre med min egen kortfilm, som er abstrakt kunst, skal ikke forståes, bare nytes.
Men først av alt så vant jeg et gavekort på instrument butikken til 1500 kr!
Jeg vil gjerne legge på litt cash og kjøpe meg et nybegynner trommesett. Mamma var ikke like enig med meg i det.
Men jeg er. Hun påstår vi har plassmangel. Men jeg vet jo at jeg kan få plass hvor som helst. Hun foreslo at jeg skulle kjøpe gitaroppheng. Yeha right.
anyfreakingwase! Im so up in the cloudes. Im jumping and skipping, and skipping and jumping!
så mye oppmerksomhet på engang.

applaus for alle de andre som også ble med videre. Det er fantastisk.
Jeg er så fornøyd og stolt.

Det har vært en storartet uke, hvor jeg har fått blitt kjent med mange andre på medialinja i 2 klasse. Magnus og meg sto for regien, det var spennende og lærerikt, + at magnus er underholdende og rødhåret!

Micheal kommer til å være en fremtidig programleder, han har tallent og jeg ler meg skeiv hver gang han åpner munnen.

Dette skal jeg fortsette med.

Im happy.