I wish I hope
and I may pray
Sometimes i want to flush my brains down the toilet.
treat her right. treat her nice.
Sometimes when I walk, I feel like im in a movie, or I wish that I had a video camera in my hand, cause i want to have this picture on tape and use it for something. Though, I have no idea what to use it for. and i walk around thinking of this: well, i dont know now, but later i might find a place to use the film clip. But then again, what if that idea never showes up and i never get to use it. Then I will just walk around with a tape, with a record that i dont really need. But what does that matter? cause there is loads of other tapes that i can use, and if i dont want it , i can just tape over it.
Wish i could do that to thinks i dont want to remember, or overfladish knowledge.
thoguh, im not sure if it excist anything such as overfladish knowledge.
16 hours ago